
Pauley Perrette, A ‘NCIS’ Alum, Has A New Twitter Strategy That Has Her Followers Weighing In

Pauley Perrette is best known to NCIS fans as Abby Sciuto, the quirky yet endearing forensic scientist at the Naval Cr1minal Investigation Service headquarters. But acting is only one of Pauley’s many interests. Pauley Perrette has a strong passion for music, gardening, and animal welfare in addition to bringing unique characters to life on television.

The actress adores animals so much that she has “failed at fostering” dogs numerous times in the past and is now the proud owner of three adorable chihuahuas named Bug, Grace, and Rosie.

Pauley Perrette, a dedicated pet parent, understands how important it is to protect her dogs from fleas and ticks and always ensures they are wearing flea collars. The collars have only one flaw: they’re unsightly.

The NCIS star vented to her followers in a recent Twitter post, showing Rosie’s plain flea collar resting beneath her bejeweled and personalized doggie necklace.

“I’m not sure who decided that almost all flea and tick collars should be this strange grey color. (I’m aware that some are white/clear.) Just saying… The first company to start making them in better colors (PLEASE, BLACK!) will win!” Perrette wrote, mentioning a few major flea prevention products.

Her fans couldn’t be more in agreement. “They should be available in red, green, and blue.” One user responded, “Red for Rosie, green for Grace, and blue for Bug.” “You are correct! They are truly terrifying! “They’re also dark brown in Italy,” another said, adding a nauseated emoji.

Pauley Perrette of ‘NCIS’ Goes Off on Rescue Pet Ad

Being a pet owner, for the most part, means having unlimited snuggles, tail wags, and fun with your furry friend. Occasionally, however, it entails cleaning up heinous messes. A recent Wayfair ad for their line of organizational products attempted to capitalize on this common pet owner annoyance by depicting a dog and the incredible path of destruction he left behind in a fictional house.

NCIS star Pauley Perrette was outraged by this unflattering portrayal of rescue dogs, sparking a Twitter debate with her belief that the ad is harmful to dogs hoping to be adopted. “I’m SO irritated,” she wrote. “How dare you sell furniture to rescue dogs?”

Her fiery response elicited a mixed response. While some thought the commercial was “horrible,” others, including fellow rescue dog owners, thought it was a harmless joke. “I believe it was intended as a joke.” I constantly make fun of my rescue dog and how mischievous he is. He is constantly tearing up things! “All you can do is laugh and replace it,” wrote one fan.

Wayfair has responded as well. “It was never our intention to cause harm or to portray rescues negatively,” they wrote. “We sincerely appreciate your concerns and have shared them with our team.”

Related News – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to NCIS.

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