The most recent episode of NCIS featured a lot of Director Leon Vance. We know he has a nasty left hook, so he’d be a great field agent. He also has a (secret) romance with a German woman and admits he’d be content in a more long-term relationship.
Meanwhile, Tim McGee (Sean Murray) relished his role as acting director while Vance was away. Who knew McGee would be so good at schmoozing politicians at power lunches?
When you add it all up, does this mean that Rocky Carroll, who has played Vance for 15 years, is leaving NCIS, which would elevate McGee to boss? Carroll spoke with TV Insider about NCIS and the Vance-centric episode. He doesn’t sound like he’s about to leave the show. But Monday’s episode “Guardian” gave Vance plenty of reasons to leave. It even offered to replace him.
Carroll not only acts but also directs on the show. Carroll stated that he has one episode completed for season 20, with two more to come this season. That would bring his series total to 22.
Carroll might want Vance to take the next step with Lena Paulsen (Marem Hassler), a deputy with the German Federal Intelligence Service. Vance, a widower, and Lena met while working on a case in France several years ago. They later met at annual international security conferences. Vance, on the other hand, almost missed this year’s conference because three men broke into his house. Vance, a former boxing champion, used his fists to k1ll one of the men.
Vance insisted on going to Berlin anyway. Parker, on the other hand, insisted on accompanying his boss on the trip. Parker realized something was wrong with Lena and Vance. But by then, someone had broken into Lena’s hotel room and attempted to murd3r the German spy. It all stemmed from the d3ath of a terr0rist’s young daughter during an operation led by Vance and Lena. Lena made the decision to raise the daughter as her own. She also stole diamonds from the deceased terr0rist to give to her daughter. Vance had no knowledge of the daughter (or the diamonds).
Still, he wasn’t ready to call it quits with Lena. Vance and Lena had discussed moving in together before the att4cks.
“I’m hoping we can find a way to expand on this episode,” Carroll told TV Insider. “I’d like to see where this goes now that we know Vance has a significant other or the potential for a significant other.”
Meanwhile, McGee got a taste of power. During the episode, he discussed how Gibbs (Mark Harmon) advised him not to take on a supervisory role. What was he thinking? McGee and his wife have twins in elementary school. But this could be NCIS coming full circle. Murray is a member of the original cast of NCIS Season One. In 20 seasons, he’s progressed from “Probie” to Boss, albeit a temporary one.
CBS has yet to release information about the next new episode. So we’re not sure what’s going to happen next. However, stay tuned.
Related News – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to NCIS.