Gary Sinise, famed for his performances in “Forrest Gump” and “Apollo 13,” has announced the death of his son, Mac, at the age of 33, following a courageous struggle with the rare cancer, Chordoma. Mac fought the condition for five and a half years, undergoing numerous spinal surgery before dying on January 5th.
In a heartfelt tribute on the Gary Sinise Foundation website, Sinise remembers his son as an exceptional drummer who had performed with him in the Lt Dan Band, bringing joy to troops. Despite the challenges he faced, Mac never gave up, displaying immense courage throughout his journey.
Chordoma is a rare cancer that affects approximately 300 persons in the United States each year. It begins in the spine. Despite Mac’s determination and numerous surgeries, he remains paralyzed from the chest down.
While grieving the loss of his son, Sinise finds solace in knowing that Mac is no longer in pain. He reflects on Mac’s resilience and expresses gratitude for the privilege of being his father.
Mac’s legacy lives on as a testament to his strength and determination in the face of adversity.
My Condolences to you Mr. Sinise and your family & friends. May God keep his arms around you all for comfort ! God Bless you all! RIP AMEN