So the rumor is that “Blue Bloods” may need to make some changes if it wants to see a Season 14 – it hasn’t been canceled, as far as anyone knows, but it will likely have to dig deep and reduce its budget if it wants to keep its blood, which is blue, pumping.
On the r/BlueBloods site, fans of the Reagan family of law enforcement officials are having a heated debate about money.
The claim: “The show has to make cuts to get season 14,” according to original user u/xforce4life. The answer, at least in part, proposed by u/SimonMendelssohn: “Gramps could pass away.”
Speculative? Certainly. Does it make a difference in how decisions for the forthcoming 14th season of the hit CBS drama are made? No, it does not.
Is it a career blood sport to hang around on forums and speculate about which octogenarian actors should lose their salary, perks, and sense of professional purpose? Maybe. Perhaps a better way to think of it is as fantasy football for SAG-AFTRA members. The point is, if they had their way, some viewers would like to trim some of the Reagan family tree’s elder branches.
Blue Bloods fans are abandoning Pop.
Who is on the list of Reddit users who want to see Henry “Pop” Reagan (Len Cariou) pass away? It doesn’t stop with the people mentioned above. There’s also u/CAShark-7, who remarked audaciously, “I do believe it is time for Grandpa to pass away.” I’m sorry to see him leave, but his cancer would have affected him by now in the actual world.”

The character of former New York City police commissioner Henry Reagan has been an integral part of the Reagan family dynamic since the first episode of “Blue Bloods.” His departure would leave enormous shoes to fill, since he presented an old-world, several generations distant viewpoint on modern law enforcement and a dependably conservative point of view.
Still, time is a cruel mistress, and actors rarely get less expensive after working on the same program for more than a decade. Maybe it’s time to take Pop to his grandfather’s farm upstate, where there’s lots of room to run and no one ever points out John Wayne’s flaws.
Related News – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to BLUE BLOODS.
Henry should stay .Danny and Baez need to hook up and get engaged . Frank , of course should stay on . Erin and her ex may get back together and we all should all see Edie and Jamie have a baby and name it Frank of course. It is the best show on Tv and people from all walks of life and age love it . If cbs takes it off they are crazy it’s a money market why would you cancel something like that don’t be stupid
I agree. I love this show and everyone has an important part to play. The grandfather is the matriarch of this family and offers some really good advice and wisdom frequently based on his life experiences. It’s a family we all want ours to emulate. We need more shows like this on tv that embrace strong family values, including mutual respect for one another even when they disagree. Get rid of the reality shows if something must be eliminated. They do not seem to have much in the way of value to teach us.
Tom Selleck has entertained us for decades. If he wants to continue, he should, but if he is ready to pursue a different avenue that would include relaxation, more personal time, and perhaps another Scotch or two, he should do that as well. He has surely earned it! We all know that no one can replace him. There is only one Tom Selleck. I will be over joyed if the show continues, but we have to face the fact that all good things come to an end sometime. I feel very fortunate to have been able to watch a show with this caliber of actors for this long.
I agree with C. Brown
Like this idea. Don’t lose Pop. He is an important part of that family…..his wisdom and his stories.
It’s about time the widowers got some romance. I mean really, all these seasons, none of them had dated. Yeah, Frank had a fling with 2 newswomen but that’s it. Danny should have definitely hooked up with Maggi, the medium. Loved their chemistry. Give the guys some action!!! But, definitely don’t cut Anthony. He’s awesome. All the characters make the show, that’s why it’s had the longevity it’s had. Keep Blue Bloods on. Period, end of story.
I feel Henry is an integral part of the Reagan family with all of his experience and knowledge of modern law. His family needs him and we want him to stay.
Frank is obviously the star of the show, therefore, cannot ever be replaced for any reason. My suggestion would be to promote one of the Reagan sons to the office if chief of police in another division and be on the show occasionally. Blue Bloods is our favourite show.
All the characters make the show, that’s why it’s had the longevity it’s had. Keep Blue Bloods on. Period, end of story.
I think it would be stupid to cancel Blue Bloods. Why do you think Blue Bloods has such longevity. Because it’s the BEST show on T V. Henry has to stay with all his wisdom and experience, Frank has to stay he’s the main component of the show, Danny and Baez needs to get married, Jamie and Edie to have a little boy to carry on the Reagan name, and Erin and Jack can get back together, IF that’s what Erin really wants. KEEP BLUE BLOODS GOING STRONG!!!!!!!
Gramps is the anchor of the family show, and should be kept on❤️
Do not let Henry Reagan go! He holds the group together in times of need! I do think Danny and his partner Baez should get together too! And how about Erin? Why hasn’t she remarried by now? And how about a pregnancy in the family? Jamie and Edy have been married long enough to start a family! I could go on and on but this…for now is enough!
This is a show we love to see, the actors have become almost like family to many of us. And yet you cancel and put crap on and expect us to like it.
I as others feel that if the show goes so do we.